Why is it worth z nami sprzedać mieszkanie - Estate Center - Estate Center
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Why is it worth
z nami sprzedać mieszkanie

Dedykowany pośrednik

Each property has its own caretaker. This ensures that your property is in good hands. Knowledge of the property is essential, so our advisors are able to answer every buyer's question.



If you order an apartment for sale, we will settle it after the transaction. Thanks to the commission on one side only, we do not block access to your property. We understand that not everyone uses the intermediary's offer when buying an apartment.

Opieka formalno-prawna

When you sell with us, you are guaranteed legal guardianship. We will guide you through the whole process of selling or buying a property. We will be present at the contracts and analyze all documents.



Our team consists of experienced specialists. Formalities, legal aspects and the art of negotiation are mastered to perfection. It is important that your property is in good hands.

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